
Dr. Soufiane M’sou

Cofounder, Regional Director of Central High Atlas Program and ICCA Focal Point

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As Regional Director of the Central High Atlas Program, Soufiane is responsible for developing grant proposals, managing project activities and collecting and analyzing ethnobiological data. As MBLA’s indigenous peoples and local communities (ICCA) Focal Point, Soufiane is responsible for engaging Moroccan ICCAs, conducting research on ICCA policy and governance issues, implementing biodiversity conservation interventions in Morocco’s “Territories of Life,” building the capacities and climate resilience of local communities and building and maintaining fruitful relationships with MBLA’s diverse partners in Morocco. Soufiane holds a Bachelor’s degree X, a Masters degree in X and PhD in X from Cadi Ayyad University’s Faculty of Science of Semlalia in Marrakech, Morocco.


Contact Us

Sidi Abbad, 1 Rue Houcima, Villa N° 280, 1er étage, Marrakech, Maroc 40000
+212 (0) 808 558485

The Moroccan Biodiversity and Livelihoods Association is a non-governmental non-profit association registered in Hay Mohamadi zone, Marrakech under the n° 470.

Join our mission. Volunteer, Donate, Advocate, Get started today.


Contact Us

1Rue Houcima, Villa N° 280, 1er étage, Marrakech, Morocco 40000
+212 (0) 808 558485

The Moroccan Biodiversity and Livelihoods Association is a non-governmental non-profit association registered in Hay Mohamadi zone, Marrakech under the n° 470.

Join our mission. Volunteer, Donate, Advocate, Get started today.